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Park Danieli

Danieli Park - WellingtonPLACE

Park  Danieli finds  located in the village of Studzianki, about 16 km from Białystok.

Our small kennel consists of a dozen or so European fallow deer (dama dama dama), bulls and  doe, in various colors (brown, porcelain - coffee with milk, white and black), which are located in a fenced forest and meadow area with an area of 11.5 thousand m2.


A few words about fallow deer

Fallow deer are animals belonging to the deer group. However, they are half the size of red deer - the weight of mature deer  bulls hesitates  from 70 - 140 kg, and the hind from 50 - 65 kg. There are 4 basic color varieties of fallow deer: brown, porcelain (fawn), white and black.  Fallow deer come from Asia Minor and came to Europe at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries.


The fully developed antlers of an adult male fallow deer are flattened and resemble initially a spoon (hence the name spoon) and later  a shovel (shovel) and is very easy to distinguish from deer antlers, which end with spikes. Young, one or two year old fallow deer bulls have unbranched antlers  and therefore they are also called spitzers. Fallow deer are subject to the annual cycle of shedding (late April / early May) and rebuilding (putting on) the antlers, which begins immediately after shedding and lasts from May to July. During this period, the antlers grow very intensively, which mainly depends on the nutritional conditions, lack of stress and the overall condition of the bull. It can grow up to 2 cm a day. In July or August, the construction of the antlers comes to an end. They are then covered with a velvety skin - a crust which soon begins to dry up and which is a bull within 1  up to 2 weeks wipes mainly against tree trunks. Now the bulls are ready  to the rut, which begins at the turn of October and November, and to the fights for the doe. The antlers put on in the following years of the bull's life are getting stronger and bigger. They can weigh up to several kilograms and are a valued trophy for collectors as well as a raw material for the cosmetics industry.


During the rut, the fallow deer stags eat almost nothing, which means they lose a lot of weight and, of course, they fight for dominance and the right to cover the hinds. They are dangerously aggressive in this period and therefore our park is closed to visitors at that time. Due to the shape of the antlers, the fights of fallow deer rarely end tragically for one of their participants. During this period  the bulls also dig holes in the ground in which they stay and into which they urinate, thus luring the doe.


Pregnancy in fallow deer lasts about 230 days (seven and a half months), after which period (from May to July), the doe usually gives birth to one young. Females become sexually mature at 16 months of age and males are mating usually at 4 years of age. Fallow deer live about 18 years ..


Park regulations

The following rules apply in Danieli Park.

The Regulations define the ways of making available in  educational, tourist, recreational, amateur filming, photography, a  also in  commercial purposes of the area owned by Agro Roma (Wiktoria and Adam Jurgilewicz), hereinafter referred to as the Park.  

The Park area may be used in a way that will not adversely affect the nature of the park.

  1. Entry to the Danieli Park is possible from December 1 to September 30. Due to the rutting season and the aggressiveness of the bulls, the Park is closed to visitors from October 1 to November 30.  

  2. Moving around the Park takes place in one compact group led by a guide, only along the designated path.

  3. In the Park, it is obligatory to keep silence and avoid clapping, whistling, calling animals, as well as making sudden movements, running, jumping, etc.  

  4. In the Park, it is prohibited to:

    • feeding fallow deer without the consent of the guide. In the autumn and winter period, the guide may allow you to attract and feed animals (slices of dry bread, chestnuts, apples)

    • bring any animals into the Park

    • picking plants, destroying trees and shrubs

    • disturbing, capturing and killing animals living in the Park

    • collecting fruits, plants and mushrooms

    • littering the area, leaving leftover food and packaging

    • water, soil and air pollution

    • descending from the designated walking path

    • camping

    • burn fires and tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), and use open flame and flame sources

    • consuming alcohol. Persons under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to enter the Park.

    • move around the area of the Danieli Park in unfavorable weather conditions (strong wind, snow blanket, storm) because it poses a risk of danger (e.g. falling branches, windfalls, lightning strikes). The owners of Agro Roma and Park Danieli are not responsible for accidents occurring in such situations.  

  5. It is recommended that:

    • Mute cell phones

    • Resting only in designated places - benches

  6.   Photography and filming

    • In the Park it is allowed to film and photograph nature and fallow deer for personal use. Photographs and videos may not be used for commercial purposes.

  7. Breaking the above rules will result in being asked to leave the Park  the visitor

Park address

Daniela Park,  ul. Supraślska (intersection with ul. Modrzewiowa), 16-010 Studzianki (the beginning of the village of Studzianki, from the Supraśl side, on the hill)

Parking, ul. Modrzewiowa 3, 16-010 Studzianki

Above: 5-year-old daniel Max, whose left antlers develop in a distorted form - the result of a skirmish with another bull and damage to the scipula. Right: a few days old daniel whom her mother left hidden for a while  in grass. 

Above: Just born and still wet  calf - the mother licked him for another hour and finally let him suck the milk. All of this was necessary for the doe to develop a maternal instinct that would ensure that the baby would be cared for by the next  a few months - until the rut in October, when the doe will leave the baby and attract the most attractive of the bulls.

Above and left: Fallow deer bulls with newly forming antlers. Already at this stage you can clearly see which antlers will reach the largest size. True  fun  for frequent visitors to our Park in this period, there is an observation of the growth of antlers at weekly intervals.  

Below: A running doe that begins giving birth (!!) - you can see the hooves of a toddler escaping into the world in a hurry (3 July 2017).

The end of the antler growth period. Visible remnants of the scum - a 6-year-old bull.

Antlers at the end of the growth period (still covered with crust) in a two-year-old white bull.

ATTENTION! All photos on the website are copyrighted. Copying and commercial use without the author's consent (photo: Adam Jurgilewicz)  forbidden.

Sprzedaż danieli

Sale of live fallow deer


Daniela's hinds



700-1200 PLN / piece


1 piece - 2.5 years old doe (brown)

2 pieces - 5-year-old canes (porcelain)

1 piece - 5 years old doe (black)

1 piece - 5 years old doe (white)

1 piece - 1.5-year-old doe (porcelain)

  • Animals are temporarily put to sleep and ready to be placed in transport crates.

Call 601-363-326

Daniela's BULLS



1000-2250 PLN / piece


1 piece 5-year-old bull (shovel), white

2 pieces 3 years old (spoon maker), bronze and porcelain

  • Transport of animals to be agreed


BABY Daniela

Sale from 11/2020


500 - 750 PLN / piece


1 piece - doe (brown)

2 pieces - bulls (light red)


  • When buying more animals - the price is negotiable

Come and see

Temporarily putting animals to sleep

Wellington_Aplikator_Genia Distinject N50

We offer the remote administration of drugs and temporary anesthesia of animals, which is useful during the relocation of animals and for most care and therapeutic procedures.


We have an applicator from the French company Genia / Distinject N50 with an effective range of up to 30 meters during the day or at night. We use several types of syringes - up to a maximum capacity of 16 milliliters per application.

Drugs and anesthetics are always administered on the recommendation and under the supervision of a veterinarian.  

The price for the service depends on the type of animal, its weight, the circumstances of putting to sleep and the location. If you are interested in the service, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

Wellington_Aplikator_Genia Distinject N50
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